1. 新進教師研究獎勵(延攬特殊優秀人才補助)
Research Incentives for New Faculty (Recruitment of Outstanding Talents)
(1) 非曾任或非現任國內學術機構編制內之專任教學、研究人員。
(2) 於本校正式納編前五年間均任職於國外學術研究機構。
According to “THU Guidelines for Subsidizing New Faculty Research Incentives", The recipients of the incentive is the new faculty officially employed by THU within three years and comply with any of the following:
(1) Never been or not currently a formal full-time faculty member or researcher at any domestic academic research institute.
(2) Has been working in a foreign academic research institute within the previous five years before official THU recruitment.
三、納編前三年內發表依本校「專任教師學術著作獎勵分級原則」B 級以上 著作至少兩件者(不限以本校或前屬機構名義發表)。
The subsidy standard of the research incentive for new faculty must meet one of the following:
(1) Must have won important academic awards at home and abroad.
(2) New faculty must lead at least one government agency research project within three years of their recruitment, but are not limited to THU or their previous institution.
(3) Within three years after the recruitment, new faculty is required to publish at least two works of grade B or above, but not limited to publishing in the name of THU or previous work institutions.
Application Schedule:Around each March and October
►承辦人員:學術研究評量組 廖宗智專員 #30008
You can contact Tsung-Chih Liao (Ext. 30008).
2. 國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵
The MOST Subsidy for University Research Rewarding
According to “THU Guidelines for the Application of MOST Subsidy for University Research Rewarding,” the reward targets shall be a formal full-time faculty member or researcher newly employed by or currently in service at the University.
The selection of outstanding full-time faculty members and research fellows is based on their publications and academic theses described in “THU Regulations Governing Academic Publication Rewards for Full-Time Faculty” and their MOST performance, or industry-academia collaboration project(s). The candidates are selected based on their all-around academic research performance, industry-academia research or interdisciplinary research, and other academic honors. The University President will summon a review committee meeting to review and evaluate the candidate’s performance and recommend to the MOST.
The University reward grants are divided into four levels at different sums. The amount granted is subject to the review committee’s adjustment according to the current year’s total reward grants.
Application Schedule:Around June to September
►承辦人員:學術研究評量組 廖宗智專員 #30008
You can contact Tsung-Chih Liao (Ext. 30008).