1. 主持科技部產學合作計畫及其他產學計畫管理費獎勵
Rewards for Hosting MOST and other Industry-Academia Collaboration Projects
As prescribed in “THU Regulations Governing the Implementation of and Rewards for Industry-Academic Collaboration Projects” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), full-time faculty, project-based faculty, and research fellows employed under “THU Faculty Employment and Service Rules,” “THU Regulations Governing the Employment of Project-based faculty,” and “THU Regulations Governing the Employment of Research Fellows” will be given a reward upon completion of a MOST or other industry-academia collaboration project. Nevertheless, the reward is not applicable for those who are in any of the following circumstances: engaging in a non-industry-academia collaboration project conducted by the MOE or MOST, the University is not the signatory, the University already set up matching grants, or the Regulations do not apply to the PI during the rewarding period or the applicable target’s identity has changed and the employment period has been interrupted.
This reward, which the University establishes with a special fund, will be calculated according to the total administrative fee allocated to the University and will be distributed to the respective units, faculty members, and research fellows according to the following:
總管理費提列比例 |
學校分配比例 |
院系所、教師及研究人員分配比例 |
3%(含)以下 |
研發專戶8% |
院0%,系 7%,教師及研究人員15% |
3%以上,15%以下 |
研發專戶7% |
院 4%,系 11%,教師及研究人員19% |
15%(含)以上 |
研發專戶6% |
院10%,系15%,教師及研究人員23% |
(1) 若為校級中心、專案中心承接計畫,中心將獲【學院與系所加總之比例】獎勵金。
If the project is undertaken by a school-level center or a project center, it receives a reward [based on the proportion of the college and the department].
(2) 若為院級中心承接計畫,院級中心將獲【系所之比例】獎勵金,所屬院則獲【學院之比例】獎勵金。
If the project is undertaken by a college-level center, it receives a reward [based on the proportion of department (graduate institute)], and the college will receive a reward [based on the proportion of the college].
(3) 非屬系所承接計畫,通識中心獲【系所之比例】獎勵金、教務處獲【學院之比例】獎勵金;體育室獲【學院之比例】獎勵金。
If the project is undertaken by non-departmental institutes, the center for general education will receive the reward [based on the proportion of department, the office of academic affairs will receive a reward [based on the proportion of the college], and department of physical education will receive a reward [based on the proportion of the college].
(4) 分配單位比例,依教師及研究人員申請獎勵時身份予以分配至所屬院系所、中心。
The reward proportion is determined by the faculty and research fellows’ rank when the application is submitted and then distributed to their respective college, department (graduate institute), or center accordingly.
(5) 前述各單位、教師及研究人員、研發專戶所分配到之產學計畫管理費獎勵金將由會計室依計畫合約書(含經費支用預算表)、核閱後公文(含會辦意見)、辦理分配、撥款。分配至單位之獎勵金,將核撥至該單位發展基金統籌運用,分配予研發專戶則撥入本校研發成果專帳專戶,作為推廣全校產學合作、研發成果申請維護及技轉授權等用途。
The reward, as mentioned earlier, comes from the administration fee of the industry-academia collaboration project. After the Gongwen passed all units, the Accounting Office allocates the sum to the faculty/ research fellows, their respective unit(s), and each unit’s Development Fund. The money to each unit’s R&D account goes under the University’s R&D account to promote school-wide industry-academia collaboration, maintenance, technology transfer, and patent authorization.
Application Schedule:Around each October
►承辦人員:產學與育成中心 林員任辦事員 #30140
You can contact Ms. Yuan-Ren Lin (Ext. 30140).
2. 產學合作獎勵
Industry-Academia Collaboration Project Awards
According to the “THU Regulations Governing Industry-Academic Collaboration Project Award and Technology Transfer Award,” full-time faculty ( project-based faculty and research fellows ) may apply. Qualified applicants must teach at the University for more than two years and have demonstrated enthusiastic participation in collaboration projects organized by government agencies (including foundations) or private enterprises. There are three categories under the Award: Merit Award, High Distinction, and Outstanding. Applicants must complete at least three industry-academia collaboration projects with an accumulative budget sum of over NTD 1,200,000 in the previous two fiscal years.
(1) 績優獎:獎勵名額最多六名,每名獲獎人頒給獎牌乙面及獎金新台幣一萬元。
Merit Award: This award is granted to six people at maximum. Each will receive a medal and NTD 10,000.
(2) 特優獎:獎勵名額二名,每名獲獎人頒給獎牌乙面及獎金新台幣三萬元。
High Distinction Award: This award is granted to two people at maximum. Each will receive a medal and NTD 30,000
(3) 傑出獎:特優獎累計達三次或經由產學合作獎勵審查小組核定為特殊貢獻教師,每名獲獎人頒給獎牌乙面及獎金新台幣十萬元。
Outstanding Award: This award is granted to three-time winners of the High Distinction Award or those recognized by the Award Panel for exceptional contributions. Each winner will receive a medal and NTD100,000 as a reward.
Application Schedule:Around each February and March
►承辦人員:產學與育成中心 林員任辦事員 #30140
You can contact Ms. Yuan-Ren Lin (Ext. 30140).