
1. 主持研究計畫獎勵
Rewards for Hosting NSTC and MOE Research Projects


According to “THU Regulations Governing Research Projects Rewards", the PI shall be given a reward upon closure of the NSTC and MOE research project. However, one of the following circumstances does not apply:
1.The research project is not contracted by THU, or the project funds are not written off by THU.
2.Programs run by the administrative unit, or teachers are co-facilitators.
3.THU prepares matching grants for the research project.
4.During the period of award work, the PI is not subject to this regulation.

本專款之獎勵金計算方式以計畫主持人該研究計畫管理費之 25% 計算,惟性別平等議題相關計畫以 50% 計算,教育部教學實踐研究計畫以 35% 計算。
The amount of this reward is calculated based on 25% of the management fee of the PI's research project, but the project related to gender equality issues is calculated at 50%. In addition, the Teaching Practice Research Project of MOE is calculated at 35%.

Instructing students to apply for "NSTC Research Projects for Undergraduate" and being approved by the supervisor will be rewarded NT$5,000 for each project; for those who are not approved, NT$2,500 will be awarded for each project. The rewards will be uniformly approved in June of each year, and those whose plans have been approved must submit the report within the deadline. Teachers who are transferred to this school will also be handled in the same way if they transfer the plan to this school for implementation.

Application Schedule:Around each October


2. 新進教師研究計畫補助
Research Project Grants for New Full-Time Faculty

According to “THU Regulations Governing Academic Research Grants for Full-Time Faculty,” new full-time faculty may apply for a research grant if they have submitted a research project proposal to the NSTC or other central agencies for the first time within two years upon report for duty but is rejected.  Upon approval of the internal research grant, the PI’s research project will be partially funded by the Office.

Application Schedule:Around each December



►以上兩項業務承辦人員:學術研究評量組 林淑梅 小姐 #30009
You can contact Ms. Shu-Mei Lin (Ext. 30009).

