
研究發展處 Office of Research and Development

姓名類別 Tenure職稱 Position職務代理人 Proxy職掌 Responsibilities
林惠真 Lin, Hui-Chen終身特聘教授 Lifetime Distinguished Professor研發長 Dean of R&D綜理本處各項業務
Oversee all Office affairs
顧野松 Gu, Ye-Song終身特聘教授 Lifetime Distinguished Professor副研發長 Vice Dean of R&D協助綜理本處各項業務
Assist with overseeing all Office affairs
李亞蒳 Li, Ya-Na組員 Officer王玫分 Wang, Mei-Fen、林淑梅 Lin, Shu-Mei負責榮東計畫推動、生命科學研究中心、軟體工程與技術中心等校級研究中心管理與考核,協助生物實驗安全委員會執行與推動,以及本處預算經費申請與執行等業務
Responsible for the Taichung Veterans General Hospital & Tunghai University Project (TVGH & THU Project); managing and assessing the Life Science Research Center, Software Engineering & Technology Center, and other university-level research centers; supporting the Biosafety Committee; budgeting and applying for funding for the Office; and other Office affairs
鄭竹晏 Cheng, Chu-Yen組員 Officer簡郁軒 Jian,Yu-Xuan、王玫分 Wang, Mei-Fen負責大渡山-東海人工智慧中心所有行政業務
Responsible for all administrative affairs for Tunghai AI Center
王玫分 Wang, Mei-Fen組員 Officer李亞蒳 Li, Ya-Na、鄭竹晏 Cheng, Chu-Yen負責公文登記桌、校級中心(生態與環境研究中心、智慧永續循環經濟研究中心)管理、校級中心評鑑(含本校校級中心增設)、研發處專案計畫中心成立與設置、研發替代役員額申請與管理、大渡山學會榮譽講座、重要校外獎項申請以及中大型整合型計畫送件協助等業務
Responsible for the Registration Desk; managing and assessing (incl. establishment) university-level centers (Center for Ecology and Environment, Smart Sustainable Circular Economy Research Center, etc.); establishing the Project Planning Center at R&D; applying for and managing substitute military service personnel; honorary chair scholars of the DDS Institute of Advanced Education; applying for major awards; major joint programs; and other affairs

校務發展規劃組 Division of Planning for University Outreach

姓名職稱 Position職務代理人 Proxy職掌 Responsibilities
邱浩修 Chiu, Hao-Hsiu組長 Director綜理及協調組內各項業務
Overseeing & coordinating division affairs
許思瑩 Hsu, Ssu-Ying組員 Officer黃筱鈞 Huang, Hsiao-Chun、黃詣淳 Huang, Yi-Chun負責校務發展委員會召開、校務發展計畫(中長程)編製、校務發展整體經費支用計畫書編製(含修正計畫書編製)、教育部獎補助量化資料填表與查核、教育部高等教育校務資料庫窗口(含全校資料彙整與檢核)、獎勵私校校務發展計畫經費實地訪視/經費訪視自評表、簡報資料填報、研發委員會議召開及其他行政庶務(助學生生活學習導師等)業務
Responsible for convening the University Development Committee; compiling the University Development Plan (mid & long-term); compiling university development budget plans (incl. revised plans); completing and checking the MOE's Subsidy for Quantitative Data forms; liaising with the MOE Higher Education Database (incl. compiling & checking THU information); Field Visit for Budgeting & Self Evaluation for Budgeting for the Budget for Subsidizing Private Universitiy Development Plan; presentations; convening R&D Committee meetings; and other administrative affairs (for scholarship students, mentors, etc.)
黃詣淳 Huang, Yi-Chun組員 Officer黃筱鈞 Huang, Hsiao-Chun、許思瑩 Hsu, Ssu-Ying負責校務評鑑、系所評鑑等業務(含校務及系所評鑑推動辦公室業務)
Responsible for university & departmental accreditation (incl. School and Department Accreditation Supervisory Office)
黃筱鈞 Huang, Hsiao-Chun辦事員 Clerk許思瑩 Hsu, Ssu-Ying、黃詣淳 Huang, Yi-Chun負責校務發展委員會召開、校務發展計畫(中長程)編製、教育部獎勵私校校務發展計畫經費實地訪視/書面審查自評表、教育部獎勵私校校務發展計畫經費實地訪視、中研院獎勵國內學人短期來院訪問研究申請等業務,另協助校務及系所評鑑推動辦公室業務
Responsible for convening the University Development Committee; compiling the University Development Plan (mid & long-term); Field Visit for Budgeting & Self Evaluation for Budgeting for the Budget for Subsidizing Private Universitiy Development Plan; Academia Sinica Short-Term Visiting Program for Domestic Scholars applications; and university/departmental accreditation

學術研究評量組 Division of Academic Planning & Assessment

顧野松 Gu, Ye-Song組長 Director協助綜理組內各項業務
Overseeing & coordinating division affairs
廖宗智 Liao-Tsung-Chih專員 Executive Officer馮康華 Feng, Kang-Hua、林淑梅 Lin, Shu-Mei負責專任教師學術著作獎勵申請、專任教師出席國際學術會議補助申請、海外學者來校訪學補助、國科會補助大專院校研究獎勵、研究人員評審委員會召開、高教資料庫研發資料填報、年度圖儀設備經費規劃、年度各單位圖儀設備經費之管控/變更/訪視等業務
Responsible for processing applications for the Publication Award for Full-time Facaulty; handling subsidy applications for full-time faculty attending international academic conferences; overseeing subsidies for visiting scholars from overseas; coordinating NSTC subsidies for research awards; convening the Research Personnel Review Committee; facilitating data entry for the Higher Education Database; planning annual budgets for equipment; and managing/updating annual equipment budgets for various unit
馮康華 Feng, Kang-Hua專員 Executive Officer林淑梅 Lin, Shu-Mei、廖宗智 Liao-Tsung-Chih國科會專題研究計畫申請、變更等行政業務、非國科會(政府部門、非營利組織)計畫申請會辦、計畫配合款核撥會辦、學術研究成果資訊系統資料管理、教師(專任)升等研究成果資料提供、校務資料庫學術研究相關資料填報等業務
Responsible for NSTC project affairs; non-NSTC (government/NPOs) project applications; facilitating the allocation of project coordination funds; managing data in the Academic Research Management System; providing research outcome data for faculty promotion evaluations; and filling in academic research-related data in THU's administrative database
林淑梅 Lin, Shu-Mei計畫人員 Project Assistant馮康華 Feng, Kang-Hua、黃詣淳 Huang, Yi-Chun負責減授鐘點獎勵(含新聘教師減授鐘點)、非國科會(政府部門、非營利組織)計畫結案、主持研究計畫獎勵、新進教師計畫補助、學術研討會補助等業務
Responsible for administration for reduced teaching hours (for new teachers too); closing non-NSTC (government/NPOs) projects; overseeing research project rewards; providing grants for new teacher projects; and handling subsidies for academic conferences

產學與育成中心 Industry Collaboration and Incubation Center

林惠真 Lin, Hui-Chen主任 Director綜理及協調中心內各項業務
Overseeing & coordinating center affairs
林員任 Lin, Yuan-Jen辦事員 / 經理 Clerk/Manager莊佳嘉 Chuang, Chia-Chia、黃繪羽 Huang, Hui-Yu負責本校產學合作:需求媒合/成果推廣、計畫簽約管考(國科會、民間企業)、數據統計填報、法規制度及合約訂定、產學合作獎遴選(含產學推廣委員會召開)、產學管理費獎勵金發放、教師產學實務升等法規制訂及績效審核、中科管理局投審案等,以及本中心公文登記桌、預算編列與執行
Responsible for university-industry collaborations: matching needs/promoting outcomes; project contract management (incl. NSTC & private sector projects; data reporting; regulatory framework and contracts; selection of industry-academia cooperation awards (incl. convening the Industry-Academia Promotion Committee); disbursement of industry-academia management fee incentives; formulation of regulations and performance review for faculty promotion through industry-academia practices; Central Taiwan Science Park Administration investment review cases; and the center's registration desk, budgeting, and other center affairs
莊佳嘉 Chuang, Chia-Chia約聘人員 / 專員 Contract Staff/Executive Officer林員任 Lin, Yuan-Jen、黃繪羽 Huang, Hui-Yu負責本校專利申請及維護、技轉合約、衍生事業申請、商標授權管理等業務
Responsible for patent applications & maintenance; technology transfer contracts; company applications; trademark authorization and management; etc.
黃繪羽 Huang, Hui-Yu專員 Project Assistant/Executive Officer林員任 Lin, Yuan-Jen、莊佳嘉 Chuang, Chia-Chia負責執行「產業園區智慧科技加值創新跨域推動」計畫、企業(含衍生事業)進駐/離駐管理及輔導資源提供、空間管理(含產學大樓、創新聚落-東海路33、41、47、53號)、中心網站/粉絲頁經營及管理、辦理企業參展/媒合會/工作坊與課程、單位個資及資訊資產盤點窗口等相關業務
Responsible for the implementation of the "Cross-domain Promotion of Smart Technology Value-Added Innovation in Industrial Parks" plan、Enterprise entry (including derivative businesses)/departure management and provision of coaching resources、Space management、Operate and manage website and Facebook、Handle corporate exhibitions/matchmaking meetings/workshops/courses

共同貴重儀器中心 Center of Precision Instrument

姓名職稱 Position職務代理人 Proxy職掌 Responsibilities
顧野松 Gu, Ye-Song主任 Director綜理及協調中心內各項業務
Overseeing & coordinating center affairs
李慧儒 Li, Hui-Ju組員 Officer黃美珠 Huang, Mei-Chu負責委測全自動數位穿透式電子顯微鏡/奈米級超薄切片機/LSM、管理HR-TEM/LSM/熱場發射掃描電子顯微鏡/倒立螢光顯微鏡/掃描探針顯微鏡/共軛焦光學分析系統/SEM繳費及經費管控核銷、貴重儀器資訊管理系統維護與管理、財產管理、主管交辦事項等業務
Responsible for commissioning the fully automated digital transmission electron microscope/nano-scale ultrathin slicer/LSM; managing HR-TEM/LSM/thermal field emission scanning electron microscope/inverted fluorescence microscope/scanning probe microscope/confocal laser scanning microscopy systems; handling fee payment and budget control for SEM; maintaining and managing the precision equipment management system; asset management; and other tasks
黃美珠 Huang, Mei-Chu組員 Officer李慧儒 Li, Hui-Ju負責內控與行政業務(助學生活導師等)、中心網頁維護與管理、科技部貴重儀器資訊管理系統維護、共同貴重儀器中心監控系統維護、經費預算彙編與核銷、勞工安全衛生業務、財產管理、負責委測核磁共振儀/先進X-Ray樣品結構與成分分析系統/基質輔助雷射脫附游離飛行時間質譜儀/液相層析式質譜儀/液相層析串聯式質譜儀、管理感應耦合電漿質譜儀/氣相層析質譜儀繳費及經費管控核銷、主管交辦事項等業務
Responsible for internal control and administrative affairs (incl. scholarship student support); maintaining and managing the center's website; maintaining the MOST precision instrument management system; maintaining the Center of Precision Instrument monitoring system; compiling and reconciling budget funds; occupational safety and health affairs; asset management; handling fee payment and budgets for commissioned nuclear magnetic resonance instruments/advanced X-Ray sample structure and composition analysis systems/matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometers/liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; managing inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; and other tasks assigned by superiors