Academic Publication Rewards
According to “THU Regulations Governing Academic Publication Rewards for Full-Time Faculty,” awardees should be THU full-time faculty. “Academic publication” refers to academic journals (including the works) published or issued with the name of the University (either honored by an outside award or not).
1. 期刊論文係指發表於國內外學術期刊,具審查機制之學術研究論文。
Journal papers:Refers to reviewed academic research papers in domestic and foreign journals.
2. 專書係指由國內外出版社正式出版之學術性專書。
Book publications:Refers to academic books officially published by a domestic or foreign publishing house.
3. 藝術、設計創作及策展:係指發表或策劃公開參展之藝術或設計作品、公開之藝術表演活動、音樂演出之影音資料(附節目書單)、由國內外出版社正式出版之藝術或設計及文學作品之專輯等作品。
Art, design creation, and curation: Refers to announced or publicly exhibited art or design works; public art performance or activity; audiovisual materials of music performance (with a program list); arts or designs that a domestic or foreign publishing house has officially published; and a literature anthology.
4. 獲獎係指由國內外學術性機構就上述著作所頒發之獎項。
Awards:Refers to awards issued by a domestic or foreign academic institution.
5. 專利 :係指取得國內外具實質審查機制之專利。
Patents:Refers to domestic and foreign patents that have a due diligence mechanism.
Academic publications proposed by the application entries shall be reviewed and evaluated as Topnotch, Level A, Level B, Level C, or Level D and rewarded accordingly.
Application Schedule:Around each February and March
►承辦人員:學術研究評量組 廖宗智專員 #30008
You can contact Mr. Tsung-Chih Liao (Ext. 30008).